Which Royal Family character are you?

Take the quiz below to see which Kittelfdorian royal character best resembles you.

Which Royal Member are you?

Find out which member of the core royal family fits your character best by answering the questions below and find out who you would be if you were a Kittelfdorian?

1 / 7

Which describes you best?

2 / 7

What is your dream job?

3 / 7

Which animal best describes you?

4 / 7

What would be your first priority if you were to rule of Kittelfdora?

5 / 7

Which colour describes you best?

6 / 7

Which fits you most?

7 / 7

What would you rather be remembered for?

Well done! You have completed the quiz, just one more step to reveal your Royal Family character match!

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