Citizens of Kittelfdora
Citizen Rarity features 280 unique members of the younger generation of the Kittelfdorian community.
(280 / 500 – 56% )
Class Information;
Citizens form the young generation of Kittelfdora and are currently in a phase of education and development. In this realm, all Kittelfdorians, except those with royal blood, are initially born as Citizens. As they grow, they receive a specialized education tailored to their dominant genes and unique abilities.
The education process is crucial in shaping the future roles of Citizens within Kittelfdora’s society. As they acquire knowledge and skills, their dominant genes and individual talents act as determining factors for their eventual class assignment.
Once Citizens reach a certain level of education and demonstrate proficiency in their respective areas of expertise, they are eligible to move into the appropriate class that aligns with their innate abilities. The process ensures that each Kittelfdorian finds their rightful place within the societal structure, utilizing their strengths to contribute meaningfully to the flourishing and harmony of Kittelfdora.
As the foundation of Kittelfdora’s society, Citizens represent the hope and promise of the realm’s future. Their education and development pave the way for them to become valued members of various classes, further enriching the diverse tapestry of this enchanting world.