Road Map

  • Q2 - 2023

    Website Launch

  • Q2 - 2023

    Stories begin to unfold

    Q2 - 2023

  • Q3 - 2023

    1st NFT Collection Mint

    Kittelfdora – 1st NFT Collection release, featuring 500 remarkable AI created NFTs, with powerful portraits of the core members of the royal family and individuals from all classes of society.

    * Following the NFT Mint, we will have an Exclusive Airdrop for holders of the first three rarities – Mythic, Spectacular or Precious – who will all receive a limited edition NFT in a separate collection dedicated to them.

  • Q3 - 2023

    Sister Site - Adopt from Afar launches

    Adopt from Afar is the sister site for Kittelfdora , featuring real rescue dogs for digital adoption.

    Q3 - 2023

  • Q3 - 2023

    Digital Adoptions on AfA starts

  • Q2 - 2024

    Digital Book Release

    Q2 - 2024

  • Q3 - 2024

    First Book Release

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